Another Rampage exploit lets players swap weapons faster in Apex Legends

Rampage being held in Apex LegendsRespawn/EA

Apex Legends players have uncovered a fresh issue with the charged up Rampage and Sentinel as they can now switch weapons faster for an advantage in fights. 

At the back end of 2021, the Rampage LMG and Sentinel sniper rifle became pretty problematic in Apex Legends thanks to exploits with their charged up states.

After players found that they could inflict infinite amounts of increased damage and reload their weapons in the blink of an eye, Respawn took a massive step to change things by temporarily removing both weapons from the battle royale. 

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Neither weapon was out of the loot pool for too long, however, as Apex has moved into Season 12: Defiance, a few other issues have continued to crop up.

Sentinel sniper in Apex Legends on Storm PointRespawn/EA
The Sentinel and Rampage have had some issues in Apex.

Following the seasonal update, players have found ways to, once again, instantly charge both weapons, as well as being able to pull off the speedy reloads.

On top of that, some fans have uncovered that they can now also use the buggy weapons to switch to their secondary weapon a little quicker than normal. Redditor Luna-Dragon demonstrated the difference, and it’s not exactly blink and you’ll miss it type stuff – there is a pretty notable speed difference.

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While the demonstration was done using the Rampage, other players claimed they’d tested it with the Sentinel and found it worked exactly the same way, so, they’d get a leg up in fights through switching weapons.

Now, while the exploit might seem like one you might fancy using, it could also land you in hot water. While it might not seem like it in every situation, it is manipulating the game to get an advantage, and that’s bannable.

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It could be the case that Respawn crack down on it before long and eliminate the exploit altogether. Though, we’ll just have to wait and see on that front.