All Apex Legends bugs being investigated after Fight Night update

Pathfinder punching Lifeline in Apex LegendsRespawn

With the Fight Night update now live, Respawn are back at work trying to iron out all the new bugs and glitches that have weaseled their way into Apex Legends. Most of them are chat and audio issues, but some are affecting gameplay.

Fight Night has taken Apex Legends players by storm. The latest update introduced the Pathfinder town takeover with old fashioned fisty-cuffs duels, a new Airdrop Escalation Takeover LTM, and the usual event skins.

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However, there’s also been some pesky bugs working their way into the game. Obviously it’s hard to avoid squashing all of them in a live-service game. Respawn are working hard on doing just that, though.

Gibraltar standing over enemy in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment is proving to be a problem, blocking out gunfire sounds for players trapped in it.

They’ve shared a list of their biggest problems after the Fight Night update, and some of them do have a drastic impact on the game. You may have even experienced it yourself.

The biggest of them all is a bug with Gibraltar’s Defensive Bombardment ultimate. While it generally causes chaos, there’s even more right now, with the ultimate silencing basically all gunfire sounds.

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This is important to dodge receiving fire, so losing sound can be the difference between winning and losing. They’re still investigating the bug, with no ETA on a fix yet.

Wattson players using the Haute Drop skin may have noticed a visual glitch while using the 1x Holo scope too. The player’s view model can become obscured, making it harder to see. This is also being worked on.

Finally, players aren’t abiding by Pathfinder’s rules and bringing guns to a fist-fight in his Town Takeover. Respawn are looking at fixing that for their next update.

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Wattson Haute Drop skin in Apex LegendsRespawn
Wattson’s new Haute Drop skin is impacting players’ ability to ADS.

The other issues are primarily to do with communication. From lobby audio issues on crossplay, to game freezes and buggy chats, they’re small things that can add up ⁠— especially when a game comes down to the wire.

This list provided by Respawn is only a small insight into the bugs, glitches, and exploits they’re tackling. There are likely dozens, if not hundreds, more on their radar. However, you can expect most of these to be fixed by the next update.

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Apex Legends bug list post-7.2 update

  • Gibraltar’s ult seems to cause lack of gunfire sounds
  • Players cannot hear each other in lobbies while connect via crossplay
  • Apex Legends is freezing and locking up for some users after 7.2 update
  • Increased instances of “internal server error” messages after 7.2 update
  • Players are sometimes able to bring weapons into the Fight Night Town Takeover
  • “Steam Only” Game crashes when clicking on friends list
  • Some Steam users unable to see text chat
  • Wattson “Haute Drop” skin has 1P view issues with 1x holo scope with certain weapons
  • Rampart Event Skin (Gold Standard) has discolored teeth