The wildly popular anime series My Hero Academia has finally returned for its fourth season, and one cosplayer has shown off their incredibly accurate take on the show’s protagonist Izuku Midoriya.
The wait is finally over as My Hero Academia returned on October 12 for its fourth season. The beloved anime continues to follow the arc of protagonist Izuku ‘Deku’ Midoriya as he trains to become the number one hero in the world.
To celebrate the show coming back, a talented cosplayer showed off their take on the main character, and it’s an insanely accurate recreation of the successor of ‘One For All’.
The fourth season of the wildly popular anime aired on October 12 on Funimation.
Real life Midoriya
My Hero Academia is set in a world where humans have evolved to have super powers called ‘quirks’. The main protagonist Midoriya is born quirkless, but is taken under the wing of All Might the number one hero who passes on his power to him.
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Cosplayer titansreaperking nails the physical look of the character, with his green wild mop hair and piercing eyes. And the amount of detail that went into making the costume by hand is impressive as it captures all the little patterns on his outfit.
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The cosplayer also captures the My Hero Academia hero in action, as the power he inherited is too strong for him initially, and he has to hold his hand send the energy through his finger – brutally breaking his bones in the process.
The design is a faithful replica of the character’s green jumpsuit that he created during season one, with his red belt pouches, and his mouthguard cleverly created with cloth that gives off the illusion of it being full mask.
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Titansreaperking has an impressive resume of detailed cosplays on their Instagram, with some of their creations looking like they jumped directly from the anime itself. Their take on My Hero Academia’s protagonist is no exception.
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The popular cosplayer has over 41,000 followers, and has a wealth of various shows they have portrayed over the years, each of them impressively realistic as they embody the characters they are re-creating.
My Hero Academia has made its triumph return with season four’s debut, and you catch the rest of the season as it airs weekly on Funimation and Crunchyroll.