Attack on Titan: Does Mikasa free Ymir from her suffering?

Mikasa and Ymir from Attack on TitanCrunchyroll

The Attack on Titan series started off as a dark fantasy series but ended as a love story. The final episode of the anime sheds some light on Ymir and Mikasa, where we see the latter freeing the former from every pain she was going through, even after dying several centuries ago.

Ymir Fritz was the slave of the Eldian King, with whom she also had three daughters named Maria, Rose, and Sheena. As Ymir was the first titan that ever existed, the Eldian King misused her powers to make Eldia rule all over the world. So, when Ymir died, he asked his daughters to feed on the flesh of their own mother so that her powers could be used further.

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Poor Ymir was so deeply in love with the cruel king that she remained alive in the coordinate and kept forging powerful titans out of sand for the sake of love.

However, later, we all learned that Eren not only wanted to create a peaceful world for the Eldians, but he also wanted Mikasa to free Ymir from her sufferings.

Does Mikasa free Ymir from her sufferings in Attack on Titan?

Yes, Mikasa helps Ymir to take her own stand and break all the shackles that have been holding her for ages. Mikasa and Ymir share a similar story, and that’s what makes the two characters feel each other’s pain.

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As Ymir started loving the Eldian King after giving birth to his daughters, Mikasa had a soft corner for Eren since childhood. However, neither of them ever talked about this. In fact, there was a time when Eren not only looked down on Mikasa by calling her a slave, but he also mocked the feeling she carried for him. Well, don’t you feel Mikasa was treated by Eren the same way Ymir was always treated by the king?

Eren also used Mikasa sometimes to push his own agenda, even though he had feelings for her. However, Mikasa turned against him when he became a threat to humankind. She kept humanity over him, and no matter how much pain she felt, she was the one who severed Eren’s head.

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The entire thing forced Ymir to see that Mikasa chose humanity over love and she should do the same. Ymir was trying to see in Mikasa’s mind to get a clear picture, and that’s why Mikasa was getting headaches previously in the story. Eventually, Ymir sees what Mikasa does in the situation Eren has put her in, and that’s when Ymir not only frees herself but also ends the terror of the titans forever.

You can check out our Attack on Titan coverage here, and other anime coverage here.

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