Avatar: The Last Airbender intro remade in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Nickelodeon / Nintendo (via Reddit: u/suks__)

A talented Avatar: The Last Airbender fan has recreated the Nickelodeon animation’s intro in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and it’ll give you a serious urge to go and watch the show.

The Last Airbender is constantly praised as one of the best animations of all time. First released in 2005, it follows the story of 12-year-old Aang after he awakens from being trapped in ice for 100 years, leaving him the sole survivor of the Air Nomads – and the Avatar. He embarks on an epic quest to master the elements to save the world from the Fire Nation’s grips, alongside his trusty team Sokka, Katara, and Toph.

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The show even won the prestigious Peabody Award for the way it handles difficult themes such as war, loss, free movement, and depression. And it’s just as popular with fans too, with one viewer recreating the entire into sequence in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, making it a crossover we’d all love to see happen officially.

Avatar’s intro recreated in New Horizons

Reddit user ‘suks__‘ is the brains behind the masterpiece, using the life simulation’s villagers to recreate the famous intro sequence. They start off by using octopus Marina for Master Pakku as the waterbender, cat Tangy for Sud as the earthbender, alligator Drago for Azula as the firebender, and goat Sherb as the airbender.

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It then goes through the part where “the four nations lived together in harmony, then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked” is played out, before using Raymond as the part of Roku, who was the Avatar before the 12-year-old.

Dog villagers Marcel and Daisy play Sokka and Katara as they find the last airbender trapped in the ice, before it reveals Sherb as Aang. The ending sees him facing backwards to mimic the Avatar standing on the rock at the end of the real intro.

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This isn’t the first time a fan has brought the animation to New Horizons – places such as the Spirit Oasis have been reimagined, as well as THAT Iroh scene that will make you cry.

If this has put you in the mood to watch The Last Airbender, you’re in luck as Netflix has just added all three seasons to its service, meaning you can binge-watch to your heart’s content.