Animal Crossing player brings Pokemon Stadium to New Horizons

Game Freak / Nintendo

An insanely creative Animal Crossing player has brought Pokemon Stadium to New Horizons. The dedicated fan transformed his entire island into one giant Pokeball. 

Ever since its debut in March, New Horizons has sparked the creativity of its community. The latest release in the social simulation franchise introduced players to the ‘terraforming’ tool.

The new feature allows users to shape their island however they want, and a talented fan used it to create their very own Pokemon stadium – monster battles have come to Animal Crossing!

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Game Freak
Animal Crossing gets its very own Pokemon stadium.

Pokemon Stadium brought to Animal Crossing

For many kids, the 1998 release of Pokemon Stadium brought their childhood dreams to life. The N64 title allowed them to battle their favorite monsters in 3D – something incredible at the time.

An Animal Crossing fan paid homage to the RPG’s arenas, creating their very own stadium in New Horizons. Twitter user ‘zapsuit’ uploaded screenshots of their creation on May 5.

“My island is now fully equipped with a pokemon stadium!” they said. The post included four mind blowing photos, which showed the Game-Freak inspired area. The player created a Pokeball in the middle, and even included seats for viewers.

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The tweet quickly went viral, and at the time of writing has over 51.4k likes. Fans of the long-running RPG were blown away by how accurate the AC player’s creation looked to the Pokemon game.

As if that wasn’t impressive enough, zapsuit revealed that their whole island was terraformed in the shape of a “into a whole a*s Pokeball.” Yes, you read that right – their island is actually a giant Pokeball.

Creatively, they used red roses on the top half circle of their island, and filled out the bottom half with white flowers so an aerial view of his entire map would looks like one massive ball.

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Even though it’s only been out since March, New Horizons has already become one of the most successful releases on the Nintendo Switch. The title has become the fastest-selling game on the console to date.

The latest Animal Crossing has exploded in popularity on social media, as creative fans are eager to share their island designs. Need ideas for terraforming? Check out our guide here to get inspiration.